About the forum

‘Ensuring Drug Security’ Russian Pharmaceutical Forum, the main business event of the pharmaceutical industry, will take place for the fourth time on 5 June 2024, the opening day of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The Drug Security Forum is an annual flagship event that best reflects the current agenda of the drug supply sector and combines the efforts of the government, business, and the public in order to determine the trajectory of the industry’s development.

The Drug Security Forum is regarded as a leading industry platform and a meeting place for pharmaceutical and medical companies as well as opinion leaders to discuss drug supply issues.

In 2024, the event will be attended by official delegations from BRICS countries. The Forum will include the BRICS Drug Regulatory Authorities meeting.

Today, when the national healthcare system faces unprecedented challenges, it is crucial for representatives of the government, business, and the expert community to combine their efforts in the format of a comprehensive dialogue to come up with strategies for the development of the healthcare system in the interests of all citizens. The current agenda continues to focus on such issues as tools for seamless long-term drug supplies, ways to develop the drug policy regulatory system, pricing, and the policy for phasing out drug imports.

The expert discussions held as part of the Forum’s business programme will cover such themes as the development of the domestic healthcare and pharmaceutical industry in the near future, the new realities and opportunities for achieving drug sovereignty amidst the current global challenges, benchmarks for phasing out imports of high-tech medicines and medical devices in BRICS countries, best Russian and foreign practices of incorporating advanced innovative developments into practical healthcare, and other key issues.

Objectives of the Forum


To bring together representatives of government, the pharmaceutical industry and civil society with the aim of developing strategies to improve medicine provision for all


To outline development pathways for regulation in medicine policy, based on partnership and strategic flexibility


To determine tools to ensure an uninterrupted supply of medicines and to make them accessible to patients


To develop patient-focused approaches and mechanisms that can help make innovative medicines available to all


To determine specific steps that should be taken to ensure national security in the field of medicine, with the aim of achieving self-sufficiency


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