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The ‘Ensuring Drug Security’ Russian Pharmaceutical Forum, the main business event of the pharmaceutical industry, will be held on 14 June, the opening day of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
MoreDrug security and providing citizens with affordable, effective, and high-quality medicines is a top priority of our work. Initiatives to develop the domestic pharmaceutical industry and ensure drug sovereignty are supported at the state level, and new promising domestic drugs are being successfully developed. Today, the share of Russian drugs on the market is increasing, and the industry’s export potential is also on the rise, which testifies to the quality, safety, and affordability of the products we manufacture
Timely provision of patients with safe, effective, and quality medication is an urgent matter for the Russian Government, the Russian Ministry of Health, and Roszdravnadzor. Public events where these issues are discussed are always interesting for both the government and the professional community. I am sure that the Drug Security Forum will become a discussion platform, where practical proposals for the development of the pharmaceutical industry will originate and new opportunities to improve the domestic industry for the benefit of Russian patients will be found.
“The localization of pharmaceutical production, the measures of state support for Russian drug manufacturers, and the support of the scientific community – all this has helped build drug safety significantly in our country. We have learned how to deal with challenges and set ourselves ambitious goals for further development, both in serving the domestic market and in developing exports of Russian pharmaceuticals. The industry has great potential that is ready to be tapped.”
“The Drug Security Forum is the annual flagship event of the pharmaceutical industry. This year will mark the fourth consecutive year that leading representatives of the pharmaceutical industry, government bodies and public organizations will come together on the opening day of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum to discuss drug safety issues. The Forum is being held with members of the international expert community. We are strengthening cooperation with friendly countries and are open to the exchange of experience and the implementation of joint projects to increase drug safety in our countries.”
Event formats that bring together representatives of state authorities, business, and professional associations must be used effectively at all stages of drug development. Negotiating process with patients, pharmaceutical industry, and government must be civilized. Decisions we make must be systematic and well thought out. I am sure that within the Drug Security Forum we will be able to outline further effective steps to regulate the national drug supply system.
“The development of domestic production is the backbone of Russia’s drug safety. In the current geopolitical climate, it is especially important to provide manufacturers of innovative medicines support at the earliest stages of development. We need to accelerate digitalization, scale up the level of innovation in healthcare sector, and introduce these innovations into the system of state guarantees to make them more accessible. It is also important to integrate patients into the e-health system so that they can take advantage of all the possibilities offered by digital medicine. A patient-centred approach is the shortest path to health care development. The issue of patient-centred drug provision is always a key topic of discussion on the sidelines of the Drug Safety Forum.”
National security is what makes Russia independent from any outside pressure and enables it to develop independently. With people paying 200 million visits to dental clinics each year and more than 5,000 items used in dental practice, it is essential to create a full cycle of import substitution in dentistry to ensure Russian citizens can meet their needs for high-quality and uninterrupted dental treatment.
Each year, the ‘Ensuring Drug Security’ Forum demonstrates the need for specialists from the pharmaceutical business, doctors, and healthcare leaders to interact on a single discussion platform. Given the current need for import substitution and the regulation of drug circulation in Russia, documents that govern pharmaceutical and medical activities need to be harmonized. Exchanging opinions and experience as well as discussing controversial issues will help the Russian healthcare industry avoid any unnecessary procedural and regulatory obstacles in the development, research, and use of medicines
Healthcare is one of the three most popular topics in terms of the number of hits on the explain.rf and nationalprojects.rf portals. People are paying increased attention to such issues as affordable and high-quality medical care, including drug supply. In order for support measures to be sought-after and meet people’s current demands, regardless of age, individual needs, and geography, the government, society, and medical and business communities need to maintain an open dialogue. The Forum allows for organizing this specific format of interaction.
“Today is an amazing time to be alive, what with the giant leaps being made in the development of medicine. Breakthroughs are being made in oncology and the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Completely new areas are emerging, something that was almost unthinkable not so long ago. Now we are able to provide assistance to people with genetic diseases. Just a few years ago, such patients were doomed to never recover, but new technologies are now being created that can help them. This would not have been possible without the close cooperation of scientists and doctors. These developments are taking place before our very eyes, and new methods are emerging that will help save people!”
“When it comes to implementing a drug supply strategy, effective regulatory decisions and timely measures to solve complex regulatory issues are key. Flexible regulation on the testing and registration of innovative domestic medicines, with due account of the economic situation, is especially important in getting such products to the market quickly. To this end, it is important to develop open and direct dialogue between regulatory authorities, expert organizations, representatives of the pharmaceutical industry and patients. And the Drug Security Forum has proven itself to be the perfect platform for effective discussion.”