Genetics: A Key to New Opportunities in Protecting Health

5 June, 16:45–18:15 Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B1
Genetics are currently one of the key tools for a personalized approach to the provision of medical care, ranging from more precise primary measures to prevent and diagnose diseases to effective, efficient treatment based on a person’s individual genetic characteristics, as well as the creation of innovative medicines. The scope of genetic research is growing in Russia and throughout the world each year. At the same time, due to greater competition from domestic and foreign market players, the cost of such research is naturally decreasing, while the state is offering more and more support measures to develop this promising area. However, the regulation of genetic technologies cannot currently keep pace with the rapid development of the industry and the intense growth rates seen on the global market. In what sectors are genetics most widely used today? What scope of genetic research is projected for the next decade? What is stimulating and can further jumpstart this growth? Are government support measures sufficient, and what is the role of private business in this regard? What can we change in regulatory documents to make regulation strict but fair? What is genetic certification and how will it affect the market for genetic technologies? How profitable is it to invest in genetic technologies today?

